Dragon-i, the premier and the most authentic Shanghainese restaurant chain in Malaysia. A whole new dining experience with our roasted ducks, using only the finest ingredients, roasted with modern technology and heritage recipe. The roasted duck is plump and has a divine golden-brown crackling crust with tender juicy meat and low in fat. With our skillful master in action, the duck is thinly sliced which has enhanced its flavor and taste.
【新春团圆盆菜】[Prosperity Reunion Treasure Pot 🥘] 在这个新春佳节,笼的传人为您精心准备了新春团圆盆菜,精选上等顶级食材,包含元蹄、干贝、蚝士、新鲜海虾等🦐,让每一口都充满浓浓的年味与幸福感,确保您和家人能够在团圆时刻享用美味,心满意足,盆满钵满!💰新年是家人团聚的美好时刻,您是否还在为准备丰盛的年夜饭而感…
【鲍你好运捞生,捞到接财神!】【Taste the Fortune】 每年新年不容错过的笼的传人『鲍你好运捞生』,厨师用心挑选全天然新鲜蔬果作为捞生的食材,为您呈现清爽不油腻的美味。 食材富含丰富的营养价值,再搭配上鲍鱼片,使滋味更上一层楼!新年来临,让您的味蕾与健康同行,一口好运接一口。这个新春,不妨尝试这份好运和美味,让『鲍你好运捞生』成为您年度的幸运…